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NeoPixel example

4 minute read

This documents Python example code for the 50mm 12 NeoPixel (WS2812B) Ring connected to a BBC micro:bit through the micro:bit Python Editor.

Monk Makes Plant Monitor

2 minute read

This documents a Python library for the Monk Makes Plant Monitor (MMPM) connected to a BBC micro:bit through the micro:bit Python Editor over a serial connec...


15 minute read

I am a robotics and computing educator and this note captures several of my observations about the book The Heart and the Chip: Our Bright Future With Robots...


2 minute read

This is the IPDC Python+data Data-Science Algorithms extension unit activity for the Näive Bayes Classifier algorithm.

What is STEM?

5 minute read

STEM an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Sometimes an ‘A’ is added to include arts in STE(A)M.